Conference contributions

The FibRe conference will feature different types of oral presentations:

Plenary lecture: These sessions will be conducted by distinguished speakers. Plenary speakers will focus on a particular subject, placing it in context and aiming to enrich the audience’s understanding. Plenary lectures last for 40 minutes, including Q&A.

Keynote lecture: Selected expert speakers in relevant fields will be invited to give keynote presentations. These speakers will contextualize and elucidate their scientific findings. Keynote lectures last for 30 minutes, including Q&A.

Invited lecture: An invited speaker is invited by the Scientific Committee to present her/his most recent research findings. Invited lectures are presented in parallel sessions and last for 20 minutes, including Q&A.

Contributed lecture: Anyone who has an interest in the research topics covered by FibRe’s International conference is welcome to submit an abstract covering recent research results to be presented in a contributed lecture. The Scientific Committee will select relevant contributions. Contributed lectures are presented in parallel sessions and last for 20 minutes, including Q/A Read more on how to submit your abstract

Poster session: There will be a poster session during the conference, organized near the lecture rooms. The suggested (and maximum) poster size is portrait A0 (841 mm wide and 1188 mm tall).